LANDAU School online portal is a platform created to strengthen communication between parents, students and the school and to ensure that parents can easily follow the learning process of their children through a single portal. Through the portal parents can follow daily grades, exam results of the students, comments written by teachers, homework and other information online.
LANDAU School Online Platform
You can download Online Portal manual from the following links:
Mobile app: Manual for mobile app
Web: Manual for web
LANDAU School Online Portal - FAQ
The portal gives parents an accsess to student information at any time of the day. Both students and parents can see assigned throughout the year grades, exam results, teacher feedback, and homework. At the same time, portal gives parents an opportunity to message teachers and give their feedback as well.
In case student is accepted and as soon as parents sign the contract with the school, LANDAU School staff creates user accounts for parents and students and informs them about it by providing them with logins and passwords. In case any difficulties arise while logging into the account, parents can contact academic coordinators about it.
To log into the portal, please, go to landauschool.az website using either the mobile app or a web version and log in using the username and password sent to you by school staff.
To get a mobile app, please, download it either from “Play Market” or “App Store” by entering “Landau School” key words into the search panel. You can download it either on your phone or tablet.
In case any diffilulties or problems are experienced you can fill in the complaints and suggestions form on the website or contact academic coordinators regarding your problem.
Yes, there is.
No, there are not.
If the username or password is forgotten, you need to contact the coordinator or receptionist to apply for the issue.
Here you can find homework, comments, messages, and other information.
Yes, it is enough just to search for the words "Landau school" in the "Play Market" or "App store".